After-School Childcare in North West London

You can find a range of information about our clubs and our activities here

Happy Days Clubs provides out-of-school childcare on site for children belonging to a range of schools in the area. Children at our clubs are well fed, and have a range of stimulating activities to enjoy, both indoors and outdoors, physical and social, to keep them active and interested for their whole stay.

With our after-school childcare in North West London, we take every care to meet the needs of your children, to help them develop mentally, physically and creatively.

Team Info Payment Info Term Info

You can reserve a place for your child here. Alternatively you can email Jacqui for any enquiries via

Registration & Bookings Enquire

Opening times

Breakfast Club: 7.30am / 8.00am until school begins

After School Club: End of school until 6.00pm

There is a one off £10.00 registration fee.

Most clubs run five days a week during term time. Please check with your club for specific details.

Each club has a site contact number, if you need to call in an emergency or if you are running late. Please be aware any lateness past the advertised closing time will be chargeable at £10.00 for the first fifteen minutes and £1.00 a minute after this. This is to cover staff and other costs.

New children

When children first join the Breakfast/Afterschool Clubs they have a period of induction. During this period a member of staff will outline the club's rules and routines, and we will allocate another child to act as the new child's buddy for the first few sessions.

Each child will also be given the opportunity to complete an ‘All About Me' form' which will help the staff to get to know your child and cater activities around their likes and dislikes.

Reception Children

As an Ofsted-registered organisation, Happy Days Clubs follow the Early Year's Foundation Stage framework. This allows us to continue the learning and development of your child whilst they are in our care, through the activities and resources we provide, supporting your child to build in confidence, gain skills and acquire knowledge.

When children first attend, they may be tired after a long day at school and this is accommodated within each club. There is always an area where children can have quiet time and relax or sleep if necessary and it is quite normal for this to happen in the first few weeks.


Before a child can attend a Happy Days Club the parent/carer must have completed their online registration and child details.

If your child requires specific medical or dietary needs we ask for as much detail to be added to your child's details as possible to ensure we provide the right care for them. If their needs are more complex, it is advised that you call Customer Care to discuss. Club staff may require a health care plan to be completed.

If you require a member of staff to assist your child in taking prescribed medication, you must complete the relevant form and also inform the manager prior to the medication being administered. We would also ask that you keep your child details up-to-date by noting any regular medicines, allergies or medical conditions accurately on the form and on our online system. We also require that all medication is clearly labelled with the child's name and date of expiry. Please be aware children will be unable to attend if the club we are not provided with the correct medical equipment.

If you wish your child to have some breakfast at the Breakfast Club, please make sure they arrive before 8.30 am.

Whilst club staff ensure children are kept hydrated and prepared for weather we are unable to provide sun cream or wet weather clothing for the children, you may wish to pack these items in your child's bag.

Registration & Bookings

Frequently Asked Questions

Happy Days Clubs and Our Team

Is Happy Days Clubs Ofsted registered?

Yes, Happy Days register all our Clubs with Ofsted. We follow Ofsted regulations and guidelines to offer the highest standard of care possible. These regulations help raise the quality of care and ensure the safety and wellbeing of children.

Does Happy Days work to an adult to child ratio?

As Happy Days Clubs are Ofsted registered, we follow their guidelines regarding ratios, operating a strict 1:8 ratio of adults to children for children aged four to seven. For eight-year-olds and over we aim for a 1:12 ratio.

Can you tell me about the staff who will work in the Clubs?

Happy Days Clubs workers are enthusiastic, inspiring and passionate individuals who are DBS checked to Enhanced Level and hold qualifications/have extensive experience in Playwork and Childcare. There is a Paediatric First Aid trained member of staff on site at all times. Staff receive ongoing training in various aspects of child supervision and care, including behaviour management, child protection and activity delivery.

Staff Safety and Training

For our after-school childcare in North West London, all staff receive appropriate training, such as Safeguarding, Prevent, Paediatric First Aid and Food Safety along with Happy Days specific training.

All Happy Days staff work to current and appropriate job descriptions and have been appointed ensuring that they all possess the relevant qualifications. Following a rigorous interview process, all those selected will undergo an Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.

First Aid

We encourage all our staff to gain a Paediatric First Aid certificate and at a minimum there will always be a staff member present who has undertaken appropriate First Aid Training including epi-pen use. We always keep a very well stocked first aid box available to all staff.

In addition, all staff receive appropriate training how to deal with and record accidents and emergencies. If your child has had an accident whilst at Happy Days Club, it will be recorded on an Injury Report form and you will be asked to sign the form as the child's parent/carer.

Payment Options and Childcare Vouchers

You can find out more about the new government schemes to help with childcare costs.

How do I pay?

Parents can log into their portal to make booking and manage their wallet. Parents can make card payments, BACs, childcare Vouchers and working tax credits.

Childcare Vouchers

Childcare Vouchers allow employers to help their employees with the cost of childcare. Childcare Vouchers are exempt from National Insurance Contributions (NICs) and Income Tax for employees up to the value of £55 per week, which can mean savings of over £2000 a year for a couple who are both working. Happy Days Clubs accept all childcare vouchers. All employers are able to run a childcare voucher scheme (they make savings too). Please speak to your employer for details on this.

Working Tax Credit

Nine out of ten families could save up to 80% of childcare costs through Working Tax Credit. For more information call 0345 300 3900 or visit Martin Lewis of Money Saving Expert fame has also produced a very user friendly section on paying for childcare on his website, which includes a tax credit eligibility calculator

Can I spread the cost?

Yes, you have the option of spreading your payments monthly across the duration of your booking if it covers a period of more than two months. The first instalment must be paid on booking and the following monthly instalments will be set by the system and can be on a date convenient for you.

Can I get a receipt?

Once you have made a booking and payment has been made you will receive an email confirmation.

After-School Childcare Club in North West London

After-School Childcare Club in North West London

Term Time FAQs

Will Happy Days Clubs take my child to their class?

At the end of the Breakfast Club session, a Happy Days Clubs staff member will take the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children to a predefined area, or to their classroom, and handed over to a member of school staff.

What Breakfast is available to my child?

Breakfast is optional, and a variety of cereal, fruit and toast with spreads will be on offer each morning.

Does my child need to bring anything with them?

No. Please ensure any items brought to a Happy Days Club are clearly labelled. Please ensure children do not bring any valuable toys or belongings with them as Happy Days cannot be held responsible if they go missing.

My child is going to be absent or I need to cancel a session, what should I do?

You can cancel your sessions two weeks before to get a refund. If your child is ill the session can't be refunded.

What if my child requires medication whilst at the club?

Happy Days Club can only administer prescribed medication. Please ensure you hand any medication required to the Club Manager with a Permission to Administer Medicine form. If your child requires regular medication, we recommend that you supply the Club with extra medication, which can be stored to avoid regular transfer.

What is the booking deadline for Breakfast Club sessions?

You can book up to the start of the session as long as there is availability.

How will my child get to the After School Club?

For children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 a school staff member will escort the children directly to the club or a Happy Days staff member will collect the children from their class. For children in KS2 and above, they can make their own way direct to the club. With our after-school childcare in North West London for children attending a club not based on their school site, a Happy Days staff member will collect your child from a pre-defined meeting point.

How do I collect my child and can I pick them up at any time?

Parents can collect from the after school club at any time from school finish until 6pm. All children must be signed out by 6pm. Late Fees of £10.00 for the first fifteen minutes and £1.00 per minute after this are applied for late collections. You must inform Maria Flannery if your child will be collected late. Only people listed on the registration and who are 16 years of age or older can collect.

Does Happy Days Club provide Food?

Yes. With our after-school childcare in North West London, a healthy and nutritious snack will be provided when your child arrives at the club and drinking water will always be available. This is not a meal replacement. An example menu can be found on our website.

What should my child bring?

We recommend packing according to our unpredictable English weather; on any given day this should include sun cream, sun hat, waterproofs or warmer clothing. We would suggest packing a change of clothes that you don't mind getting messy due to our outdoor play philosophy and art & craft activities. Please ensure all items brought to a Happy Days Club are clearly labelled. Please ensure children do not bring any valuable toys or belongings with them as Happy Days cannot be held responsible if they go missing.

What happens if someone else needs to pick up my child?

Only people listed as a Collector on your account can pick up your child.

Is there a booking deadline for breakfast club and after school club sessions?

You can book up to the start of the session as long as there is availability.

Can my child also attend an extra-curricular club after school?

It is fine for your child to attend a school run or extra-curricular club after school. Please notify Happy Days Club in advance if your child is attending an extra-curricular club and any arrangements made.

What happens on the last day of term if school finishes early?

The clubs don't run after school when there is an early closure.